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How we can understand about difference between hardware and software:

 Difference between hardware and software:


Hardware is the physical parts of computer system that can we see and touch.

EX: CPU,mouse,keyboard,monitor,printers,scanners,hard drives etc.


Software are the instruction given to a computer in the form of a program software is the set of programs which are used for different purpose.

EX: paint,ms word,OS,browser,Adobe Photoshop,google chrome etc.


A computer system is divided into two categories hardware and software.Hardware refers to the physical and visible components of the system such as a monitor CPU keyboard and mouse and similarly the hardware must be present for the task to be performed both are interdependent ,yet they are also different from each other

.Hardware is mainly classified into four main categories that are input device,output device,storage and internal components.It is mainly of two types that is system software and application software.Hardware is physical parts computer that cause processing of data software is a set of instructions that tells a computer exactly what to do software cannot be executed without hardware.


Hardware cannot perform any task without software hardware can be seen and touched hardware is repaired in case of problem hardware is replaced if the problems is not solved .Software cannot be touched software is debugged in case of problem software is reinstalled.


if the problem is no solved. Hardware is not affected by computer viruses we can, make duplicate copies of hardware we cannot transferred hardware electronically. Software it is in the affected by computer viruses we can make many duplicates copies of software we can.
