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Dare yourself in life became future successes:


You may have more ability than me. You may be smarter than me. I won't go any further than that. It's all a particularly straightforward Abyssinian idea. You assumed he would get a free ball. You were going to have a dream and an ideal and you were going to wake up and just go to the far horizon that you are like a tree. It doesn't work like you have an idea and life has you.

 After bumping into what bothers you about life and say do you need to be told the truth you will lose friends do you need to be told the truth do you really need this Need a relative who's going to boycott the individual figures you've worked with, don't assume you don't have the bogey desire to handle you that's a piece of it yet I've done a lot.

 I should have stopped when I heard my voice say your mama don't need you your daddy try not to end your life I crushed that moment I'm half on the grave Going to get more fit so I'm telling you all that you've made significant progress to stop now you've contributed a lot to stop now you've lost an extraordinary amount to stop per Currently this p r don't cry about it don't cry about it get paid for your growth i want you to check the sickness that is going on in your life at this time whatever i maintain that you should say that i can't beat him i can beat him.

 i will beat him i must have found a family to live for because i haven't finished my life at this point yet there are many influences in life you No need to worry about a degree, you don't need to worry about cash. 

Don't worry about any help for it. There's something in life that you're going to traverse and you tell yourself I'm going to get over it. Adapts to that it's not a game and that's why you all beat in the vast maturity grotto o or on the other hand crime in the game.

because you think Ryan happens when the sun comes up you assume everything What's going on with when the light comes you'll assume to go right along with individualism that isn't wrong doing is oblivious to the real God when there's no bone.

               Sees you at the point where there are no bones

           understands what you're doing when you make sense with our tutor when you freshen it up when you're watching these recordings and when you change your music I encourage when you Not taking my music back I'm not playing it doesn't count for me.

 They say on paper I couldn't see less assuming you say we pressed we live with it and we protest the bucket through it try not to withdraw we don't need to We're going to stand up we're going to live we're going to protest the bucket of what we represent and everybody's going to be scared of who we address and who we're a part of see that very All people are good people can be stopped a lot of people you should just tell them no you should just bother and scratch it. 

All these you need to challenge for yourself and when you go to collect your gold, look at their stuff, don't believe that all you have to do is be positive and everything is going to work out okay-dorky for you. en You go get your gold, you're moving a line in Murphy's Regulation to actually meet you to become more predictable and smarter and faster and tougher and more stable and stronger and get hi. Chances are it's temporary.


Maybe a nanosecond or an hour or a day or really a period of time that eventually it will end and the commodity will be in a different place. Dare you I dare you not to return home Go through it You won't protest the bucket until the end of the victory payment.
