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What is capacitor: Types of capacitor:


THE capacitor is an electronic device which  stored electrical charge by separate two charges Plates and middle is insulate material between each others which are called parallel plates capacitor.

Types of capacitor:

1 Glass capacitor.

 2 Tantalum capacitor.

 3 silver mica capacitor.

 4 Super capacitor.

 5 polycarbonate capacitor.

 6 ceramic capacitor.

 7 Electrolytic capacitor.

(A).Glass capacitor:

                     This glass capacitor is used for eventual showing is required for RF circuit. The glass dielectric give high levels of when this this type of capacitor is compared to man others differents  forms of  capacitors. the values of this capacitor  variety from a fraction of a picofarad up  to closer thousand picofarads.And this capacitor also used radio frequency cricut

(B).Tantalum capacitor.

This capacitor  used when usually require an external fool proof device to keep away issues caused by their Negligence mode, And they are used wide difference of circuits. Some applications are given below.Laptops, Medical,Medical devices,Cell phones, Automotive circuitry, PC computers, Amplifier,And other surface _mounted devices.

(C). Silver mica capacitor:

The silver mica capacitor are sued for those applications which need for low capacitance values and high stability ,While indicate low losses.And as we know that it main used in power RF circuits and where balance is almost importance and silver mica capacitor for filtering and oscillation in high frequency tuned circuits.

(d). Super capacitor:

These types of capacitor are mainly used in application. for requiring many rapid charge/discharge cycles,rather than long term solids, such as examples like buses,trains,use elevators,in automobiles, and used rebirth braking, short term energy or burst_mode power conveyance

(e).Electrolytic capacitor:

 AS we know that this capacitor used to for removing the noise 

it mean filtering or element img the power supplies. And it is used for storage energy in flashlamps.And most important things 

which is used for coupling signals between amplifier stage.

(f).polycarbonate capacitor:

As we know that the polycarbonate capacitor are capacitors and which have polycarbonate dielectric. The value of range of polycarbonate capacitor from 100pF to 10µF.And their voltage working mean up to 400 DC. This capacitor type their tolerance levels are 5% and 10%

(g).ceramic capacitor:

As we know, the ceramic capacitor is different from other capacitors because it is used when with low power of electricity. 

mainly used for AC power. It does not affect the temperature.

weather etc and give us accurate results in our daily required work and we also know that these capacitor capacitors are stable with respect to applied voltage, frequency and temperature. 



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