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Difference Between Conductors and Insulators:

What do you want to stand by the word Conduct?

Well in physics, it needs transfer of something and the materials that transfer something threw themselves from one place to another are called conductors that something could be anything, it could be heat, it could be electricity or many other things. However, here we are interested in electricity. In this context, we will use the word ;

Electrical Conductors

Electrical conductors are the materials that transfer electricity through them or even more precisely. They are the materials that allow the electric current to flow through them for Simplicity. We will call them conductors.

What are the examples of conductors? We have seen this simple circuit many times. Here a 1.5 Volt Cell Well it's connected with the bulb, which can be between 3 to 4 volts with the help of copper wires. So, here i told you that the movement of electrons is from the negative terminal of the cell to the positive terminal with but however, I convention the direction of electric current is taken to be from the positive to the negative 1.
But how exactly is the current flowing in the circuit or through which material is this current flowing? Yes, it's the copper wires, Electric current is flowing through the copper wires, from the positive to the negative terminal. So what can we conclude from this? We say that the copper is a conductor of electricity since it allows the electricity to flow through it. Now, instead of copper wires, what if we use pieces of threads in the circuit, will the bulb glow in that case?

No, it won't....!!Why?
Because the electric Current cannot flow through a piece of thread such materials are called insulators. So how do we define this term give it a try. These are the materials which do not allow the electric current to flow through them. What are the other materials that conduct electricity? Almost all metals conduct electricity, Silver
Gold Aluminium Iron Mercury,
A few other examples of metals that conductors are encouraged. If you replace copper wires in our circuit with aluminum ones, then you will find that the pulp is still glowing. This proves that aluminium loves electric current to flow through it.In fact, this area of the bulb is itself made up of metal. Hence, if we connect the wire anywhere in this region, the bulb will still glow. Its transfers the electricity to the terminal of the bulb and inside. We can actually test any object for conductivity.
Break the circuit up from anywhere by cutting the copper wire. Now, at this point i want you to notice one thing.There is nothing present in this region that can transfer the electrical energy from one side to the other. But there is air in this region, so what can you infer from this? This tells us that are is an insulator. It does not conduct electricity, bring any object that you want to test so this iron nail, tie up both the ends of the wires at the two ends of iron and see if the bulb is glowing or not. If it glows that it proves that the materials that are object is made up of conduct electricity here the electric current is flowing through the iron nail so our circuit is complete and the bulb glows.

So this proves that iron is a conductor of electricity.
Did you know that the human body is also a conductor of electricity?
In fact it's a very good conductor. This is the reason why we get an electric shock if we're not careful. The electric current flows through a body towards the earth. Now which are the materials that do not conduct electricity. Materials such as; Plastic Rubber Cotton Wood
They do not conduct electricity. So they are insulators, for instance instead of an iron nail, if we connect a plastic straw between the circuit, then the bulb will not glow.
