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Reluctance Motor: Some importants points of Reluctance Motor:

This is a type of small synchronous motor.

  • This motor is simple in construction and doar not required 'DC Field excitation
  • Not use permanent magnet.
  • It is similar to the single phase indication motor.
  • Stator has main and auxiliary winding.
  • Rotor basically a squirrel cage with same cut.
  • Tech removed appropriate places provide desire of salient poles.
  • When a stator as connected to a single phase supply the rotor start as an inside motor at the speed about 75% of syncs Speed Centrifugal Mar disconnected the auxiliary winding.

When the speed is close to Speed a a reluctance torque produce dueto the tendang of rotor to alleen it self to in in the minimum reluctance position.

  • The reluctance oppose the magnetic field The magnetic line follow the lower reluctance path
  • The magnetic flux which is coming from stator winding to the air the reluctance in gap and
  • the reluctance more in the air gab and the reluctance
  • at salient pole is less so due to the torque
  • pole. The rotator align to the poles of stator having low reluctance and due to which a reluctance torque is produced and The motor runs out synchronous Speed.

  1.  Simple construction .
  2.  Easy  repair.
  3. Ferry to maintenance.
  4. No lose of DC winding.
  5. low cost.


  1. Used for constant speed.
  2. Used in machine
  3. Electrical washing motor etc.

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