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A shaded pale motor is a type of self-starting single phase induction meter.cage-type rotor.

  • It consist of a stator and a cage-type rotor. The stater is made up of salient pole. on Each pole is slotted on side and and a copper the smaller part a is fitted this nt is called shaded pole.
  • on Each pole is slotted on side and and a copper the smaller part a is fitted this nt is called shaded pole. The ring is unally a single- turn rail and is known as sharing Coil.
  • When alternating current flows in the main alderrating (winding (field) an in Flure is the field core. This Eluxe links produced the shading call, which behave as a shirt- circuited secondary of transformer.

  • A voltage coil, and is induced in sharing this induced voltage circulater a current in it.
  • The shaded coil thus, causes the failure in the shaded portion a to lag behind the flick in the linchaded portion b of the pole.
  • The main and shaded pale fluxe are displore! Jer than go. Since there is time and and space displacement blew two fluxes, setting up a rotating magnetic field.
  • Under the action of the rotating fluxe starting torque developed on the cage rotor.
  • The direction of rotating field is from. unshaded to shaded poke and due to which The rotation is clockwise.

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