Control Systems:
When a number of elements are combined together in a System to produce the desired output, then the system is called as Control system.
- Mathematical Modelling of Physical Systems.
- Transfer function.
- Block diagram and Reduction Technique
- Signal flow Graphs.
- Time Response Analysis.
- Stability.
- Frequency Response Analysis.
- Industrial Controllers and Compensators.
Requirements of a good Control System:
(A)Accuracy: When the closeness of measured value toi standard value is called this process is called accuracy.
(B)Stability: When the quality state or degree of being stable is called Stability.
(C) Sensitivity: Sensitivity expression for disturbances in forward path elements and feedback path elements in both an open loop and a closed loop control system.
(D)Noise: You know in every machine in electrical life the noise is created when made but we have to solve some control system equipments this process is called control system noise required.
(E)Bandwidth:The frequency at which the magnitude of the closed loop system equals 0.707 is referred to as bandwidth (BW). The frequency range over which satisfactory operation occurs is shown by the bandwidth.
The frequency at which the closed loop system's gain magnitude equals one is called the gain crossover frequency (gc).
(F)Speed:That process which control system by speed equipment for the set and to adjust the speed motor is called Speed Control Systems.
(g)Oscillation:When oscillations are present in a control loop, they raise the deviations from the setpoint of the process variables, which results in lower-quality products, higher rejection rates, increased energy use, and lower average throughput. In control loops, oscillations can occur for a variety of reasons.
Open-loop Control System:
That control system which is not depend on feedback is called Open-loop Control System.
closed open loop control system:
That control system which is depend on feedback is called Open-loop Control System.
Difference between open loop and closed loop control system:
open loop control system closed loop control system
(1) Control action is independent on the output. (1) Control action is dependent on the output. (2) Very Sensitive to external disturbances and
Internal Variations in system parameters .
(2) They are very less sensitive. (3) Number of Components used in
this system are less. (3) Number of components used in this system are more So, Complex and costly. (4) optimization is not possible. (4) optimization is possible. (5)Unreliable and inaccurate systems (5) Reliable and accurate. (6) Overall gain does not change. (6)overall gain is feed back. Reduced due to feedback.
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