Three-Phase Transformer:
That which is used for transfer of large amount of power is called three phase transformer.As a knowledge we understand this kind of transformer required for setup up and step down the voltages at various stages of a power network.
Working principle of Three phase transformer:
As we know that of three phase transformer working primary winding of the three phase transformer is energized from a three phase supply.Suddenly by time then the flux is produced by the primary currents in three winding.
Each of the three limbs of the core serves as a return path for the flux in the third.The secondary windings depending on the transformer ratio of the 3 phase transformer by the flux produced by the primary winding induced emf in it.
Type of three phase transformer:
There are two types of 3-phase transformers:
(A) Core types of 3-phase transformers: We know that the core type with primary and secondary wound on one core .
(B) shell-type 3-phase transformers: We know that the shell
type of transformer combine with three 1-phase transformer.
Construction of three phase transformer:
The Construction of the magnetic care 3-X type transformer may be understood by considering three single phase core-type- transformers potioned at 120° to each other If balanced 3-x sinusoidal voltages are applied to the windings, the fluxes to the will als and balanced.
If the three legs these fluxes cire marged, the total Flux.This leg because it carries no flexe Each day carries both low voltage and voltage and the LV windings are placed high voltage windings,next to the core wilk suitable insulation.between the core and the W lecis are placed over the insulation between Them.
Three phase bank-transformer and single unit three phase transformer:
A three phase system is used to generate and transmit large amount of Three phase transformers are required to power Step up or step down valdagres in various stages of a power system network. Transformers for 3gr circuits can be
- Three phase separate single phase transformers are suitably Connected for 3 phase operation. Such arrangement is called a 3 phase bank of transformer.
- A single three-phase transformer in which the cores and windings for all the three phases are combined in a single structure.
- It takes less space.
- It is lighter smaller and cheaper.
- It is slightly more efficient.
- The costly high voltage terminals to be brought out of the transformer housing are reduced to three rather than six necessary separate single-phase transformer for three phase separate single phase transformer
- In a single 3 phase transformer, however if the phase windings breaks down, the whole transformer has to be removed from service for repairs, thereby disturbing the continuity of power supply.
Advantages of a transformer bank of Three single phase Transformers we know that :-
- One single-phase transformer in a be provided with a other to supply higher kun rating than the an imbalanced imbalanced load
- When one single-phase transformer of a bank Is damaged and removed from the service. be used in the remaining doo units may open-delta vay at reduced capacity.
- The transportation of day transformers is more convenient.
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