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What is Magnet: How Magnet Working :

How work the Magnetism:

We know that all magnets have north and south pole  and this is clearly understand opposite pole are attract and with each other and same pole repel with to each other.


When we take a magnet and after we going to together the north pole to south pole at attract.but when we same pole like north pole to north pole it repel each others and also south pole  to south  pole

Important fact:

(1) Earth behaves like magnet.

(2) Bar magnet pole is decided when it is hanged over earth surface. The end of magnet pointing North pole is North pole and vice versa.

(3) Similar poles repels opposite attract to each others.

(4) The north and south poles cannot be separated.

(5) Magnet can be made ad destroyed.

Magnetic field lines:

  • Continuous closed loops.
  •  Tangent at any point give direction of field at that point.
  •   concentration of lines gives strength of field.
Difference between soft and hard magnet:
Soft magnet material.            hard magnet material. 

1)The soft magnetic material are.                            (1) The hard magnetic material are.         
 Those which have smaller area.                                   Those which have larger area              enclosed by their hysteresis loop.                                enclosed by their hysteresis loop.       
(2)Low remanent magnetization.                           (2)High remanent magnetization.                 (3)Low coercivity.                                               (3)High coercivity.                                         (4)high permeability.                                        (4)Low permeability.                                          (5)Less hysteresis loss.                                  (5)High hysteresis high                                         (6) Eddy current loss is less.                              (6) Eddy current loss is high                             (7( Used in transformer core,motors,genexa toss etc.         (7) Used in permanent      
                                                                                            magnet separate speakers  etc.       

Soft magnets:
  • power conversion electrical mechanical.
  • signal transfer.
  • power adaption.
  • magnetic field screening.
Hard magnets:
  • permanent magnets.
  • data storage analog.
  • digital data storage.
  • quantum device.

Types of magnets:
  1. Samarium Cobalt (SmCo).
  2. Alnico.
  3. Neodymium Iron Boron (NIB).
  4. Ceramic or ferrite.
(a) Samarium Cobalt (SmCo):

That magnet which are made of neodymium and have the highest magnetic properties of all
permanent magnets and is well is somtum cobalt(Smco),

(b) Alnico:

That magnet which is used for permanent magnets and this the strongest type of permanent magnet and this process is called Alnico

(c) Neodymium Iron Boron (NIB):

That magnet which is used for high performance mothers, machines ,medical devices, magnetic coupling ,magnet separators and others equipment for automotive is called Samarium Cobalt (SmCo).

(d) ceramic or ferrite:

That magnet which is used for water with no corrosion is called Ferrite magnet .The ferrite magnet also called ceramic magnets.
