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What is transistor:Types of transistor:


The transistor is make by tow words Transfer+resistor when current flow from low resistance to high resistor is called transistor.


 Transistor is a semiconductor device  which for controlling,amplifying,and generating electrical signals. As we know that transistor is a active components of integrated circuits or microchips this process is called transistor.

Transistor has two types:

(1)bipolar junction transistors (BJT)>( transistor type).

(2)Field Effect Transistors (FET)>( transistor type).

(1)bipolar junction transistors (BJT).

A bipolar junction transistor has three terminal semiconductor  device which consist of two p-n junction  and we know that this type of transistor which are able to amplify or magnify signal.And the (BJT) bipolar junction transistor name of terminals a (BASE), (Emitter) c (Collector).

(2)Field Effect Transistors (FET).

A Field Effect Transistor is also consist of three terminals (BASE),(EMITTER), And  (COLLECTOR).and simple definition where is output iis to be controlled by electric field generated by the input.

How  we can understand NPN OR PNP transistor?

by when current flow from p region to n region this is called called npn region.

2nd step when current flow from p-region to n-region this process is called pnp transistor.

Important note= npn transistor is most uses in the circuit because majority charges is vey in npn resistor.

working principle of transistor:

The transistor is semiconductor device which help in controlling current or voltage in flowing in addition amplifying and bring about  these electrical signals and  put into action as switch/gate and transistor consist of three layers which are for using for carry current in to circuit. this process is called working principle of transistor.


  •   The transistor  uses in cemer.
  •    It uses in hearing aids.
  •    it use in computer.
  •    it use in tiny battery.
  •    it use in microchips.
  •      it uses in watches
