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ELECTROMAGNETIC is a branch of physics electrical engineering in which Acleck and magnetic phenomena are studied. As we know that there are two charger are present in nature positive (+), & Negative ().


(Ě) The electric field is Greader surrounding stationary charges electric field. are called lets suppose a charge + O having region surrounding it is called field Bre any charge ender in this field of region will be attract or ripple, so the field of electric field.



Electrostatics                                                                        Magnetostatics                                             

Coulomb's law.                                                                            Curl .                                                      

Electric field intensity.                                                       Bio Savart's love                                             

 Electric flux density                                                            Ampere's Jaw                                                  

Gauss's Jaw                                                                            Faraday's Jaw                                                

 Divergence                                                                                 Inductance                                     

Electric field intensity.  

  • Point  charge
  • Surface  Charge
  • Line calle
  • Spherical charge
  • distribution
Effect of dielectrics:                                                                                                           

  1. It is frequently required in digital. Computers and other digital system to record The number of events occurring in a interval of time. specified.
  2. It is used for counting the number of pulses, coming at the Input line in a specified time period. For an n-bit counter it have 2h states.
  3. The counter must posse rates. memory it has to memory remember its past states. Counter can count in two ways ie. (1) Upcount (Ocle2 N). (ii) Down count!
